How To Get A Narcissist To Leave You Alone? 3 Ways

The narcissist cannot process why someone cannot see things the way they do, and they tend to look at you as if you are the problem instead of accepting that they might be the ones who got it wrong. They will even take their time to try and explain it in different ways to get you on their side, but when you hold your ground, they will hate it and they will avoid wanting to share anything else with you. They hate that you didn’t just accept what they said straight away. They hate that they have to spend more time trying to explain their thoughts or actions to you. And they hate that at the end of all that, you are still not in agreement. Narcissists are emotionally immature and cannot handle direct or honest communication with them.

While sometimes silence can be perceived as acceptance, This is why speaking up and letting the narcissist know that you don’t agree with them is sometimes best. Of course, I would not recommend this for everyone, but if you ever want to see a narcissist get flustered and instantly annoyed, this is a guaranteed way to do it. Or if you are strong-willed and the opportunity presents itself, by all means, make it clear to the narcissist that there is no alliance with you. Because being outspoken and opinionated off the bat is a good way to keep narcissists at bay because they don’t like it when people are so confident and not afraid to speak up.

You will make them uncomfortable because they will be afraid that you will call them out on something, and they don’t want to risk that. But, going back to what I said earlier about the narcissist acting nice, if they manage to sway you and trap you, their aim will be to take away that voice of yours. They will beat you down and break you in order to silence you, and they will be proud of their accomplishment. This is something I addressed in this article. Because at the end of it all, they just want your silence, your loyalty, your obedience, your time, your life. And I say, give them nothing.

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