How The Narcissist Views Your Silence

So, that’s why they probably won’t get in contact with you. But for those of you that this happens, it’s going to be about drawing you in and punishing you for taking control. The reason why control, okay, is so important to the narcissist is because this is where they draw their attention, their confidence, their validation. This is really, really important to them because they’re not able to do it for themselves. They’re not able to soothe. They rely on others to be able to provide that for them.”

So, when something happens where their wounds are exposed, they need this even more. This is where they draw on secondary supply. This is where they draw others to be able to validate that for them. So, when you have removed that, when you have gone no contact and you have initiated the silent treatment, the narcissist needs someone to validate them because, number one, it’s quite embarrassing for them. Again, remember, the narcissist is never going to say this to you. This is embarrassing for them. They don’t know how to deal with it. And what they do, if they do reach out to you, this is all about trying to get some sort of supply, trying to reel you in. And then what they’ll do is gaslight you and make you believe that it’s been your fault. Like, ‘How dare you take control?'”

They’re the ones, narcissists are the ones that want to initiate silent treatment because, again, that is about controlling the situation and your emotions. So, when you do that, when you give them a dose of their own medicine, oh, they don’t like it, do they? And they have to blame you. They have to say that it’s your issue, that you’re the one that is unstable. And that’s the sort of things that they’ll be saying in the smear campaign. But what you have to remember is that none of this is true. None of this is true.

Why a Narcissist Can Never be a Good Parent

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