How a Narcissist Uses Money To Torture You

Deliberately creating chaos in stores or malls, calling you names, and walking out, abandoning you with a full cart of items that only you will pay for, is another tactic narcissists use to avoid contributing financially. They manufacture arguments to wash their hands of responsibility, leaving you to foot the bill. They justify this behavior by claiming that you cause them so much harm, so you should pay for it.

Fighting over trivial matters, unwilling to compromise.

Narcissists will fight over trivial matters, unwilling to compromise. They’ll abandon you, walk ahead without talking to you, act like a stranger, or hide, giving you a tough time until you beg for one more chance and accept their terms.

They may give you a false choice.

Narcissists may give you a false choice, saying you can buy whatever you want, only to sadistically punish you later. They blame the drain on finances on you, even though they may be the actual reason.

On vacation, they’ll abruptly abandon you and your children.

On vacations, narcissists may abruptly abandon you and your children without any money, leaving you stranded in a foreign country. This kind of experience is incredibly stressful and can be dangerous. They use financial control as a means of manipulation and torture, showing a lack of empathy and concern for your well-being.

In conclusion, money becomes a tool for narcissists to control and manipulate you. They restrict your spending, create chaos in stores, refuse to compromise, give false choices, and even abandon you in vulnerable situations. This financial control leaves you feeling trapped and financially crippled, unable to escape their abuse.

Narcissist Has an Inner Demon That will Destroy You

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