Covert narcissists always do this predictable one thing

  1. A false sense of power and superiority :

Knowing something you don’t gives them an unrivaled sense of power and superiority. Underneath their phony demure and self-effacing facade, they actually believe they’re better than everyone else and therefore feel entitled to lie by omission. With few exceptions, they prefer to keep family and friends at a safe distance. This reduces the likelihood they’ll be found out for the frauds they actually are. And this is why they allow very few people to get close to them. Most of their relationships can be characterized as terribly superficial. They hide, and they lie a lot. They hide people, things, money, and, of course, their past, as well as any responsibility of their own that led to the demise of a friendship or any other relationship. And for those of you who are highly empathic, this tendency they have to be so secretive is your first clue. I, for one, can feel it in my gut.

Attempting to genuinely connect with someone of this ilk leaves an empath with an inexplicably uneasy feeling in our stomach. In my view, it’s because there’s nothing of real substance to connect with. And as empaths, we feel it emotionally and energetically because they’re just going through the motions with you. And when you get that strange, disconnected feeling in your tummy, don’t ignore it. It’s one of your first clues when attempting to authentically relate to a covert narcissist. Again, try as you may, there’s nothing of real substance to connect with, which leads me to my next point.

  1. Disingenuous and inauthentic:

They are not authentic or genuine, although they sure can put on a good act. Hang out with them long enough, and you’ll soon find out just how disingenuous they actually are. It usually won’t be long before you notice their words and actions rarely align. They talk a good talk, but aren’t very good at walking the walk. In reality, they can only feign love, respect, care, compassion, and concern. But once you know them well enough, you’ll have mounting evidence as to just how unloving, uncaring, and insincere they really are.

They are fundamentally phony people who do not appreciate, genuinely care about, or love anyone—not even their own children or stepchildren. Again, they’ll talk a good talk, but a closer look at their choices or lack of action-based love, care, compassion, and common sense, in particular in relation to really big issues, will tell you everything you need to know about who and what you’re dealing with.

10 Weird Habits Of A Covert Narcissists

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