8 Questions A Narcissist Simply Cannot Answer

So, I’m going to go through these eight questions, and I want you to think of this as something that you encounter with some of the narcissists in your life.

1.What are some of your deepest hurts?
If you were to ask a narcissist that question, they would just look at you like, “Why would you ask a stupid question like that? I don’t have hurts.”

2. Why is it so difficult, to the point of being impossible, for you to admit flaws and mistakes?
Whenever a narcissist blunders or makes mistakes (and we all do), rather than admitting it, they blame. If the mistake is so obvious that you just have to acknowledge the fact that something didn’t go right, they’ll just say, “Well, it was your fault. It certainly wasn’t mine.”

3. Why do you feel the need to impress strangers?
When I’m around strangers, or you’re around strangers, or people that you don’t know very well, you certainly want to be friendly and pleasant. But narcissists, when they see people that don’t know them very well, they’re thinking, “This is a blank slate here, and I get to write whatever story I want to write.” So, the strangers represent shallowness and superficiality in the sense that they just don’t know what they don’t know. And so, narcissists can think, “Well, I’m going to let you know how terrific I am.” So, they can make up all sorts of stories or embellish how wonderful they are. They’re fishing for admiration.
The Eight Common Lies Told by Narcissists

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