7 Types of People a Narcissist Deeply Hates

Truth-tellers, they cannot stand them because they’re not willing to enable their fake self. They say things as they are. If they see dysfunction, they will call it dysfunction. If they feel injustice, they will call it unjust. They’re not willing to play along; therefore, they are marked as a black sheep, they’re marked as an enemy. Then everybody in a narcissistic family, for example, comes together to abuse them, to humiliate them, to gaslight them into thinking that you are the odd one out, you’re the weirdo, you’re the one who sees a problem with the family when the problem is you. Therefore, you’ll be cast out, you will be punished, and you will be abandoned by every single person because you did not choose to be a part of this cult. Their truth-telling capability saves their sanity but at the expense of what? Their stability. They never get to experience any peace in such a family since they’re targeted left, right, and center. Narcissists do not like those who show them a mirror, for reality is nothing but an aggression to them. When you tell them the truth, you’re basically attacking their false self; you’re hurting them, and they can’t take that well. You are an extension; you have to abandon yourself and take their super self as your primary self. When you do not do that, being a black sheep, you get punished, you get traumatized, and you get shamed.

  1. They hate people who are happy.

People who are happy, those who experience joy, who can live life in a way that is not natural to narcissists. Narcissists want to see you suffer; that makes them feel in control, especially when that suffering has been inflicted by them. They are sadistic, and they feel good when they see you crying because of them, when they see you thinking constantly about the things they said or did to you. When you blossom like a flower, when you cheer up, when you live your life the way you should live it, and they’re not the conductor of it all, they feel jealous, they feel abandoned, they feel taken for granted. And you know, out of their punitive nature, what do they do? They try to burn it all down, which is the reason why you can never be genuinely happy around a narcissist, no matter how much you separate yourself from them while living in the same house. Let’s say you will not be able to experience joy or be satisfied with your life, be chaos-free. They will do things directly or indirectly to trouble you, and that is what will ruin your happiness. They can’t stand you being carefree; they have to keep you worrying and keep you worrying about the relationship you are in with them or the things they say or do to you.

Things the NARCISSIST will NEVER give you

  1. They hate vulnerable people.

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