6 Weird Things You do When around a Narcissist

You learn to dissociate from your emotions, from your surroundings, and everything in between. Why? Because things become overwhelming, things become overbearing, and you can’t cope. So, you just leave your body, you leave your emotions, you flip the switch. Of course, it happens unconsciously, and you stop feeling, which makes it easier for you to be, yes, at the expense of your emotional awareness. But that’s how you become, and you can stare into nothingness for hours. You’re dissociated, you’re frozen, they start doing something, and then forget you had started it or you wanted to do it, for example, brushing your teeth or washing your face. The water may keep running for hours without your awareness of it happening. This may make you feel you have lost your mind or that you don’t know how to be, you’re not normal. But let me tell you this, dissociation is a biologically correct response to an environment like this, to an environment that is extremely overwhelming. There is nothing wrong with being this way. In this context, dissociation is necessary when pain becomes overwhelming and there is no resolution, you cannot leave the environment, you cannot fight back your predators who are narcissists in this case. What will you do eventually? You will lessen the awareness of what is harming you, to cope, to live. Please accept yourself and be compassionate towards your suffering and know that it happened for a reason.

5 You cannot focus. You cannot focus.

It takes you a long time to read, learn, and comprehend. Trauma has impacted your brain, and research has shown that psychological trauma destroys, injures your brain. It’s true, that is what happens. You take longer than your peers to read a book, to pass an exam, and you get scolded, shamed by your narcissistic parent. They compare you with others, they put you down and say you’re nothing, say you have achieved nothing. Then, this difficulty to accomplish things was created by them in the first place. It’s so unjust I can’t put it in words. You keep remembering but you can’t because your memory is not working functionally. In other words, you do not have access to your executive functioning, which is necessary for you to access your memory. Things do not get stored in your long-term memory, they get wiped out instead because your brain reallocates the resources to short-term memory. You are able to process a million things in a given second, to scan your environment, to assess how big the threat is and how you should prepare for it. That is where your resources go. But when it comes to learning, you need to be at peace, you need to be relaxed, that is how you can access your subconscious, which is what does not happen in your case. So why judge yourself? Why compare yourself with others? It looks weird but it’s not, it makes sense. As I said in the last point.

5 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You Forever

6 You learn to procrastinate.

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