6 TOXIC Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate

Toxic behaviors that may seem intolerable to one person may become something normal to another. For example, a person who has to avoid something daily in order to move forward, after several attempts, will eventually get used to it and will no longer see it as a brake or an obstacle that prevents him or her from.

Power and manipulation behaviors

All behaviors that are not benign will take on toxic forms to exert control over you, and are signs of a power imbalance in the relationship, and clues to the other person’s true intentions.

Some of them are more obvious than others, but the real key is whether you call them for what they are or whether you appease, rationalize, deny or give them excuses. We all need to take responsibility for whether we tolerate toxic behavior that we know should not be part of someone’s emotional landscape.

  1. Your thoughts and feelings are made fun of.

One way to undermine the other and relegate their feelings to the background is to use subtle mockery and marginalization, minimizing the points of view or reactions we show in a certain situation.

When you are mocked, the other person tells you that what you say doesn’t matter or that your feelings are not important or perhaps laughable. Or that your thoughts are wrong based on confusing thoughts, or that you are “too sensitive” or “too emotional. These are manipulations, pure, and simple, that should not be tolerated.

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