6 Things That Will Happen When The Narcissist Decides to Teach You A Lesson

Aside from the supply they receive from you, narcissists still demand various things to teach you a lesson. Narcissists must be the best, the most intelligent, and the most capable. They do everything their way, own everything, and have complete power over everyone. Narcissists will go to any length to obtain their desired outcome. They often lack compassion and cannot connect deeply with others, even those closest to them. Narcissists will seek attention and approval. They will continuously seek your approval and praise to boost their fragile egos, but no matter how much you provide or give them, they will always want more.

A narcissist’s need for validation is like a funnel. You pour in encouraging words and they flow out the other end and disappear. Despite their self-centered, grandiose brags, narcissists are very insecure and terrified of falling short. No matter how often you tell a narcissist that you love, appreciate, or approve of them, they never feel it’s enough. This is because they don’t feel anyone can truly love them.

Narcissists will block you and ignore you on social media.

It is common for narcissists to block you on social media once they go into silent treatment or to teach you a lesson after a heated argument. Narcissists love to play the game where they ignore you and assume you will come running to them to find out what is wrong. Narcissists have this victim mentality, and everything in this world boils down to them being the victim. They never take responsibility for themselves and point fingers at everyone else, or worse, you.

Blocking or ignoring is their way of changing the game, looking angry at you, and avoiding a conversation with you because you will figure them out and catch them in a lie. They need to buy time and come up with new reasons, and one of their weapons is time. Once a little time has passed, they can more easily accuse you of saying something you never said and shift the sequence of events. While blocking or ignoring you, they may be playing other games, such as smearing or cheating on you, with something they have already tapped. If you ignore them, they will modify the game and come to you playing like a victim. Narcissists tell you that they are not ignoring you, that they are having problems in some other way, and that they genuinely need you. But you were ignoring them. They will then expect an apology, then they will go around making the apology publicly and telling everyone how they got you to apologize for everything you did wrong.

Narcissists will use projection or blame shifting.

When Will a Narcissist Leave You?

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