5 Ways A Narcissist Will Abandon You Without A Second Thought

The narcissistic false self is above reproach. If the narcissist even suspects that you are questioning them, their easily triggered defense mechanisms come up like hackles.

Sooner or later, you will be questioning the narcissist and saying something about their behavior because they don’t have the level of conscience or consciousness to even understand what other people’s comfort, care, freedom, safety, or need levels are. It’s all about the narcissist. You will see this when the “nice” façade, the mask, starts to slip.

Bringing up matters with the narcissists means you will start having circular arguments where you feel like your head is spinning. The narcissist is not interested in your concerns or feelings. You are cruelly invalidated.

This is dire emotional abandonment when you are told you have it wrong, your feelings are unimportant, and when the damage the narcissist has created is spun back on you, even in completely illogical ways, to the point where now all of a sudden, you’re the one at fault.

It’s normal for you to get intensely triggered because you just can’t hold it together with all of the terrified, invalidated, and unjust emotions that you are feeling.

This is when many narcissists will abandon you by walking out the door, leaving you highly traumatized. They don’t care.

To the narcissist, it is like, “You deserve everything you get for challenging me in the first place.”

Number 4: After You Have Been Emptied Out

10 Awful Things Narcissists Do To Their Wives

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