5 Warning Signs To Recognize A Narcissist

5 signs this person is a narcissist in disguise…Being involved with a narcissist is like dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight. You don’t see the horns, you don’t realize he is red, and you think that pitchfork is some kind of swanky, oversized utensil. By the light of day, though, the picture starts to come into focus.It’s difficult to identify a true narcissist or a person with a narcissistic personality. For me, I caught on almost too late to spare myself from this person who suffered from a pathological lifelong personality disorder.It took a year for me to understand that the rules of love didn’t apply and that this relationship was a disaster to my mind, body, and soul. I found out that I was dating a narcissist.Outstanding seducer, the narcissist, has over one trick up his sleeve. Yes, narcissistic people often strongly need to control, are critical and self-centered, but this doesn’t come naturally at the start of a relationship. So how to recognize a narcissistic person?

Here are the top 5 warning signs to recognize a narcissist.

1. They use the strategy of mirror and perfection.

5 Things Narcissists Hate That Normal People Love
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