5 Things a Narcissist Hopes for When you go No-Contact

When you give them a little bit of pushback or say no, that is when they show you their real monstrous self, and that is when their rage comes out. They try to punish you, and they become the same person they promised never to be again. Before we move on to number four, download my free guide that answers the top 10 questions asked by every single survivor of narcissistic abuse. In this guide, I help you understand how you may be a survivor of narcissistic abuse without analyzing their personality. In other words, I’ll help you understand how it is all about the impact, not their intent. Click the eye button above or the link in the description to get it right now.

4. They hope to replace you within days after getting you back in their trap.

Within days after getting you back into their trap, there is seething, simmering, boiling anger inside a narcissist that they control when hovering over you and when trying to get you back after you leave them. They want to teach you a lesson. They want to abandon you for the wolves. They want you to live in desperation, separation anxiety, and a lot of pain. That is their revenge. They are driven by the desire to be vindictive, to be really punitive. They do not forgive; it’s not their nature at all, which is why I compare them with Dementors.

Dementors are mythical creatures that feed off your happiness, and that is what drives them. When they drain that life force out of you, you feel immense sadness. That is what a narcissist wants to do with you, and they want to prove that “Oh, you are worth nothing. You are a worthless person, somebody who deserves no one and has to be alone all their life,” by replacing you with somebody better, somebody who is more understanding, who is more loving, and who has a lot to offer.

Avoid Making These 6 Mistakes Around the Narcissist

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