5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

The green-eyed monster, known as the spirit of envy and jealousy, is yet another demonic force that influences narcissistic behavior. This spirit intensifies the narcissist’s dissatisfaction and prevents them from finding contentment, no matter how much they possess. It fuels their envy towards others and stokes their desire for revenge. The green-eyed demon justifies the narcissist’s envious nature and suppresses their conscience, making it acceptable to undermine others’ success and perpetuate a cycle of greed and unhappiness.

Under the influence of the green-eyed demon, narcissists harbor deep resentment towards those who possess what they desire. They may engage in malicious gossip, sabotage others’ achievements, or engage in covert acts of aggression to bring others down. The spirit fuels their never-ending quest for superiority and dominance, often at the expense of others’ well-being.

2 The Fog of Chaos:

How Do Narcissists Spy On You? Why They Do It?

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