5 Code Words Narcissists Use: What They Really Mean

Narcissists have a knack for using humor as a shield to dodge taking responsibility. They’ll say or do something, and if it stirs up trouble, they say, “Hey, I was just joking!” Suddenly, if you’re upset, it’s because you can’t take a joke, not because they’ve said or done something wrong. It’s a slick way to sidestep blame and keep you from calling out their behavior for what it really is. For example, when a narcissist cracks a joke about someone’s looks, like teasing them about dieting, especially in front of others, it can be super embarrassing and hurtful. It’s even worse when that person is actually suffering from an eating disorder. Making comments about touchy subjects like weight can seriously upset people. Brushing it off as just a joke makes it even worse. Narcissists don’t really care about that; they care about looking good in front of others and getting a kick out of putting people down.

Number 5: “You’re just being too sensitive.”

This phrase is a favorite of narcissists and is super manipulative. Why? Because saying, “You’re just too sensitive,” is sneaky; they’re trying to make you doubt your own feelings and reactions. They want to make it seem like you’re the problem, not what’s actually happening. Sometimes, they can express it subtly, so you wouldn’t really notice what they did. For example, they’d say the nastiest things ever and then just toss a “Ha!” at the end. To you, it might seem like they’re joking at first glance, but really, they’re testing the waters to see if you’re okay with what they just said and trying to figure out what they can get away with. If you call them out, that “Ha!” suddenly becomes something you took the wrong way because you’re too sensitive. Again, it’s all about making it look like you’re the one with the issue, not them.

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