12 signs that you are healing from narcissistic abuse

Abuse often triggers anxiety that leads to physical symptoms such as chronic headaches, muscle pain, digestion problems, insomnia and fatigue.

Once you embark on the journey of self-healing, these symptoms might start to alleviate sooner than later.

7. You start to question the voice of self-criticism

Narcissistic abuse leaves you feeling inadequate and worthless. Once the abuser is gone from your life, you will start to notice all the negative messages that have been planted in your mind.

Not only will you notice them but you’ll also start to question them. Reprogramming your subconscious mind takes some time but the first step is becoming aware of the negative messages that have been planted there.

Once you realise what these messages are, you will be able to change them. How can you change them? For example, you can look for pieces of evidence from your life that prove them wrong.

The fact that you start to question your inner critic is a clear sign that healing is in progress.

8. You forgive yourself and the abuser

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you pretend that nothing happened. It also doesn’t mean that you welcome the abuser back to your life. Forgiveness is about setting YOURSELF free from the prison of resentment and anger.

Once you feel ready to consciously practise forgiveness, that is another clear sign that you are taking the next steps on the paths of your healing.

9. You make your decisions with confidence

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