10 Things That Confirm Someone Is Surely A Narcissist

Number 6: They expect others to give them special treatment.

Everyone loves feeling special, but narcissists take it to another level. A narcissist will always demand the best seat, the most expensive meal, and to be treated as royalty. They will always feel entitled to a better experience than everyone else because they assume they are unique. For example, a narcissist may ask their partner or spouse to buy them something expensive, even though that person is broke. Narcissists are frequently ungrateful for acts of kindness or generosity from others, regardless of how much time or effort went into making those acts possible in the first place. They expect people to cater to their every whim, even if they don’t deserve it.

Number 7: They Constantly Discuss Their Fantasies of Success, Power, or Achievements

Narcissists are often consumed by their self-image and achievements. They want to be the center of attention and for everyone to know about their success and achievements. So, if someone constantly talks about their fantasies of success, power, or accomplishments, especially if they are just bragging about how great they are, they’re probably narcissists. If a narcissist starts talking about their fantasies of success, power, or achievements, it’s a sure sign that they’re not interested in what you have to say and probably not even interested in you as a person. Narcissists are so focused on themselves that they can’t be bothered to care about anyone else’s problems or accomplishments.

Number 8: They exploit and take advantage of other people.

Narcissists are known for their ability to charm, manipulate, and con others into doing what they want. Narcissists are often driven to take advantage of others, even when it doesn’t directly benefit them. They will convince others to do things for them, sometimes without the intention of repaying that favor or offering anything in return. Narcissists don’t care about the well-being of others; all they care about is what they want at any cost. They will use flattery, guilt trips, emotional blackmail, and threats to get what they want. Narcissists are masters at manipulating their surroundings to get what they want. When it comes to exploiting other people, they use that as their weapon against you. If none of those work, they’ll just resort to straight-up lying. Narcissists have no problem excluding others because, to them, it’s all about getting their way and making themselves look good at the expense of everyone else.

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