10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End

Narcissists want you to believe that you can never do anything right

 what do narcissists want to get out of you? They want you to believe that you can never do anything right, by making you feel like your efforts are never good enough. They’ve created a situation in which they can be the one who always wins and feels good about themselves. By making you feel like nothing and driving you crazy with their demands. Narcissists can keep themselves at the top without having to show any real effort. Narcissists want to make you doubt yourself and your ability to make decisions. They want to make you feel like an incompetent human being who can’t even open a door without breaking it down. Narcissists want to keep you in a state of permanent self-doubt so that when they tell you what’s wrong with your life, they seem to be the only ones who know anything.

Narcissists want you to be dependent on them

Narcissists are still trying to make you dependent on them, by making you feel that they are the only people who can help you or the only ones who understand you, they do this by using a lot of emotional manipulation, such as guilt. And making you feel like nobody else will ever care about you again. If you can’t survive without them, they’ll always be able to keep you around because you’ll never leave them. You don’t have any other options; you’re stuck with them. whether or not, it makes sense for you in the long term. Narcissists are parasitic people who feed off of other people’s life energy. Narcissists see other people as tools, tools for their self-gratification, tools for obtaining power and influence, and tools for making themselves feel better about themselves. Narcissists want to control or hurt you, it may not seem like it, but they do. But by understanding what they want from you, you can find a way out from their selfish acts and tactics.

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