10 reasons why narcissists hate kissing

These misguided individuals have no notion of empathy whatsoever. Because they have so little empathy for anyone, it makes sense that they absolutely disapprove of offering consolation to their so-called romantic partners when they are upset. Yes, no matter how upset they are, they simply refuse to give hugs and kisses.

They refuse to take down their defenses.

Unfortunate as it may sound, they are actually terrified of their emotions and will go to any lengths to avoid them, even if it means pushing other people away and keeping them at a distance. Simply put, people are afraid of experiencing real emotions because they are unsure of how to handle them.

It’s another word for “losing control.”

Kissing is akin to their giving oneself over to their emotions and deepest desires. Additionally, they worry that by succumbing to temptation, they would be sidetracked from their primary goal of subduing their victims.

They find it tedious.

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