10 Forms of Narcissistic Abuse — EXPOSED !

3.  Silent Treatment: Emotional Withdrawal 

The silent treatment is a powerful tool in the narcissist’s arsenal, involving the abrupt withdrawal of emotional engagement. By creating an atmosphere of emotional distance and uncertainty, the narcissist gains a sense of control. Victims experience anxiety and confusion as they grapple with the sudden emotional void. Recognizing the silent treatment as emotional abuse is crucial for victims to break free from the cycle and assert their emotional boundaries.

4.  Triangulation: Creating Unhealthy Alliances 

Triangulation is a manipulative tactic where the narcissist involves a third party to manipulate situations and control relationships. By creating triangles, they exploit insecurities and foster competition, ensuring they remain the center of attention. Recognizing triangulation is crucial for breaking free from the emotional chaos it creates and understanding that healthy relationships are built on trust and open communication.

5.  Love Bombing: Intense Overwhelming Affection 

Love bombing is a manipulation tactic in which the narcissist overwhelms their victim with excessive affection and attention, especially in the early stages of a relationship. This intense affection is meant to create a deep emotional connection and establish trust. Recognizing love bombing helps victims break free from the cycle of emotional highs and lows, empowering them to seek genuine and healthy connections.

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