How To Live Well With Your Hypersensitivity?

Do you know about hypersensitivity? This character trait is gained from birth.

It is estimated that between 15 and 20% of individuals would be hypersensitive. A large part of the population, therefore, experiences emotions more intensely, and the hundreds of auditory, visual, or olfactory stimuli to which we are subjected every day. How do we know if we are hypersensitive? And how best to adapt one’s daily life to this condition? We’ll explain it all to you.

According to the psychoanalyst Saverio Tomaselli, sensitive people are those who see the world through the prism of emotions, relegating the mental dimension to the background. They would represent between 15 and 20% of the population. This is a significant proportion and one that allows us to better put into perspective the famous injunctions given to these people, who are often seen as too weak, too fragile, and as having to forge their character.

However, hypersensitivity is not chosen, nor is it a disease. It is a trait of a character born during intrauterine life and develops after birth. We can tell a hypersensitive person who he or she needs to toughen up, that he or she needs to learn to be firmer, but this will change nothing: one is born hypersensitive and remains so for the rest of one’s life.

What do hypersensitive people have in common?

Hypersensitive is defined by three criteria: they are more receptive to their environment, feel emotions more violently, and express them in an exacerbated manner. Emotions can, for example, result in crying fits, aggressive responses, but also in unexpected laughter.

Everyday moments are experienced more intensely by hypersensitive people, whether positive or negative. They dwell on the criticisms they have been given, take them badly because they feel like they are less than nothing, but they also live more intensely in the happy or simple moments. It is not uncommon for them to marvel at a landscape, a poem, a song or a moment spent with those they love more intensely than others.

Hypersensitive people have a fragile identity that makes them react intensely to stimuli, whatever they are. Their declared emotions in a situation are more exacerbated than average, and hypersensitive also suffer from external stimuli such as noise, light, odors, crowds.

Another characteristic of hypersensitive is empathy. They are very permeable to the emotions of others, to where they often carry the concerns of others on their shoulders. Since they can easily guess the emotions and moods of others, they also know how to detect their weaknesses and their history. Very generous and kind. They avoid conflicts at all costs and feel guilty when they feel they have hurt someone.

Finally, hypersensitive people are above all creative. They have a strong sense of the outside world and a rich inner world and use this as a breeding ground for writing songs, paintings, etc. They are very sensitive to the outside world and also to the inner world.

Generous and wanting to do good around them, the hypersensitive are unfortunately often easy targets for narcissistic perverts, who exploit their kindness to achieve their ends.

Managing hypersensitivity in everyday life

Because it goes beyond behavioral norms, hypersensitivity can be difficult to live with daily. When the slightest emotion triggers an uncontrollable tearful outburst or an aggressive response, or when ambient noise and light can become annoying, hypersensitive are sometimes seen as beings apart. However, 15% to 20% of the population is hypersensitive, and it is important to be tolerant of reactions that may seem overwhelming.

A hypersensitive should not try to suppress his hypersensitivity, because it always resurfaces. Often, it comes in the form of stress, anxiety, and aggression. If one cannot manage hypersensitivity one can however learn how to deal with these events through sports, meditation, nephrology, or by talking to a professional.

Hypersensitivity is strength. The sensitivity to the world and the empathy shown by hypersensitive people is a real gift, which can even be useful in the professional environment because, since they have a lot of pressure, they are sometimes one step ahead of everyone else. Their empathy also allows them to excel in the social or associative environment.

However, they will have to be vigilant in their relationships with others. Hypersensitive people get tired because they strongly feel the problems of others, are eager for them, live their difficult moments with them. It is important to learn to take a step back in these cases, so as not to be too touched by the sometimes complicated stories of others.

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