Unraveling the Peculiarities of My Divorce Journey

How did my marriage end

  • Anonymous

I told my husband I didn’t want to have sex one night. I don’t remember why…

He started yelling and chased me into the laundry room. I was trapped.

He spit in my face.

I stood still, frozen. And then, I bolted past him. I ran but he caught me. He threw me to the floor and dragged me by my hair to the door.

I remained quiet, I didn’t want to wake out baby.

My husband put his hands around my neck and began to choke me.

I looked into his eyes. I saw fury. I thought, “If I die, who will raise my sweet baby?”

A calm came over my husband’s face. He got up and left the house.

I packed a small bag, grabbed my son, and drove to a motel. I called my parents and they wired money for a plane ticket. The next morning I left the state.

I left my beautiful house, my lifestyle, my American dream.

I walked into freedom, safety, and security.

No one has ever put their hands on me since that night.

If he hits you once, he’ll do it again. If he hits you, leave! Do not hesitate, LEAVE!!!

In conclusion, when it comes to navigating divorce proceedings, it’s essential to have the right legal representation. Whether you’re in San Diego, Denver, Alpharetta, Orange County, Nassau County, Jacksonville, Scottsdale, Fairfax, or any other location, there are divorce lawyers and attorneys available to help you. With the assistance of a skilled divorce lawyer, you can get the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and protect your best interests. From family law and international divorce to military divorce and more, there are lawyers and attorneys specializing in various areas of divorce law. So, if you need a divorce lawyer or attorney, do your research, and find the best one for you.

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