7 Types of Fatigue which lead to Chronic Fatigue

Have you noticed that after being overexcited, for example after receiving really “exciting” news such as winning the lottery, hearing about a new job, doing that big problem… a few hours later, you may feel exhausted? This is the “effect” of the “cause” of overexcitement. That’s the flip side of the coin, the yin (healing) of the yang (overexcitement). Everything in nature has to balance, what goes up has to come down. So if we feel tired after being excited, it is a natural rebalancing.

Although this intense fatigue does not lead to chronic fatigue, it is something we need to monitor by noticing how our body reacts after bouts of excitement.

  1. Food sensitivity related to fatigue

Fatigue-related to food sensitivity usually occurs after a meal where the food has not been well tolerated by our intestines. It often comes after eating carbohydrates rather than protein or vegetables. It is usually a sign that our intestine is unbalanced, or “diseases”, commonly known as “leaky gut syndrome”.

Most people will attribute the fatigue to food and see food as the “cause” of the problem, but in reality, this is not necessarily the case. What we need to do is look at why the intestine is unbalanced in the first place, which then leads to it not being able to tolerate food? While it may be true that many of our modern foods are not healthy for us (for example, refined flour, sugar, etc.), the healthier our body is, the more it can tolerate different foods, even unhealthy ones.

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