Every 3 minutes and 5 seconds, we turn roles or are distracted by texts, tweets, or phone calls. However, no matter how hard you try, if you get frustrated too much, you would find it impossible to concentrate and we are all lousy multitaskers.
Next, seeing a cluttered or disorganized environment will have a detrimental impact on your memory, tension, and emotions. In reality, merely staring at clutter degrades the mental efficiency and attention.
Highly efficient individuals, on the other side, protect themselves from disruptions and frequent alerts so that they can concentrate on their job. They often don’t work in a dirty, cluttered world, choosing to keep things (relatively) orderly, ordered, and minimalist.
To stop getting bombarded, consider setting your phone in airplane mode or shutting off email alerts when you work. Close any windows, apps, or programs that you aren’t using. Reduce the amount of dust in your office by organizing it. Instead of listening to podcasts or radio stations while living, play the same music repeatedly (which actually works to improve your focus).
4. Working Until You’re Tired
Although working late to complete a job is often important, it is not a long-term plan for performance. And if you work until you’re tired all the time, the last few hours of work aren’t going to be very good.
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