7 Hidden Dangers Of Ruminating

1 Rumination creates a vicious cycle that can easily trap us. The urge to ruminate can be addictive, so the more we ruminate, the more we feel compelled to keep doing it.

2 Rumination can increase our likelihood of becoming depressed and can prolong the duration of depressive episodes when we do.

3 Rumination is associated with a greater risk of alcohol abuse. We often drink to get rid of the constant irritability and sadness that results from our constant rumination.

4 Rumination is also associated with an increased risk of eating disorders. Many of us use food to manage the distressing feelings caused by our ruminations.

5 Rumination promotes negative thinking. Spending such a disproportionate amount of time focusing on negative and distressing events can change our general perceptions, so we see other aspects of our lives too negatively.

6 Rumination weakens our problem-solving abilities. For example, one study found that women with ruminative tendencies who found a lump in their breast waited two months longer than those who did not ruminate to schedule a breast exam.

7 Ruminating increases our responses to psychological and physiological stress to where it may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Rumination

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