5 Signs You Are Emotionally Immature

They bury everything that has painful emotional consequences, preferring to avoid what produces suffering rather than trying to work on it. This category also includes the inability of an immature person to take responsibility for his or her actions, struggling to admit fault, looking for the simplest solution, i.e. to blame someone else (Heitler, 2016).

2) Being self-centered

Dr. Susan Heitler is said to have pointed out that egocentrism and in some ways narcissism are often associated with emotional immaturity. Like children, adults suffering from emotional immaturity may exhibit a significant search for attention from others. People with these characteristics have difficulty understanding the other’s point of view and understanding something beyond their needs and benefits (Heitler 2016). The focus is only on what is best for them, and even when faced with a valid alternative; it is difficult to shift their perspective and make them look outside themselves.

3) low capacity for emotional regulation

It is common that, like children, emotionally immature adults can throw tantrums and lose their temper (Heitler 2016). For example, when they feel uncomfortable listening to what the other person is reporting, instead of trying to think before exposing their own, they pull the plug on everything that comes into their heads with no filter (Heiter 2016). There is really no analysis other than a search for elements capable of proving their reason. Everything is seen in a dichotomous way between good and evil in the discussion and there seems to be no real attempt to restore “peace” and move forward (Heitler 2016).

4) Being manipulative and defensive

It is quite common for emotionally immature people to exhibit defensive behavior. When confronted with a problem, they can easily deny responsibility, meticulously defend each of their actions, lie about any involvement or responsibility they have for an event to the point of offending the other person in order to intimidate them (Lamothe 2020). It is important to emphasize that there is a big difference between trying to explain yourself to show your point of view in an argument and defending yourself to be right at all costs and getting away with it with no guilt.

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