Top 10 Behaviors and Traits of the FEMALE NARCISSIST

Female narcissists tend to want to be the center of attention, just like most narcissists. They use people as narcissistic supply, needing them to act as a mirror that reflects their perceived perfection and superiority.

The female narcissist wants to be the best at everything. Whatever quality she views as most important—whether beauty, money, or intellect—she will want that to be reserved exclusively for her.

This competitiveness isn’t just limited to her friends or co-workers. She can feel an intense rivalry with her own children, siblings, neighbors, stepchildren, or daughters-in-law. Female narcissists are inherently jealous of others, which triggers their deep-seated feelings of inferiority and drives them to become intensely competitive.

2. She is obsessed with appearance.

The female narcissist is not only obsessed with her own appearance but also fixates on the appearance of her family members, friends, co-workers, and even grandchildren.

Her focus on superficiality means she has little genuine interest in qualities that truly matter, such as character and values—unless she can use them to maintain a certain image. For example, if she attends church, it is likely for appearances rather than genuine faith. She always wants to be seen in the right places with the right people.

3. She is extremely jealous and assumes everyone is jealous of her.

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