The first thing we are going to discuss is the numbing out of your s£xual desires. You see, when you are neglected in such a relationship for years, and when you are told you are unattractive or that they are not comfortable having s£x with you because of your smell, weight, or appearance, you are filled with a lot of alien shame. Why do I call it alien? Because that shame is not real; you are not flawed. They make you think you are flawed.
It’s not just that they make you think you’re flawed; they convince you, they brainwash you into thinking that your s£xual life with them is missing, destructive, and dysfunctional—all because of you. Imagine being subjected to this kind of heinous abuse for years, day in and day out. You start thinking, “I am bad. I’m wrong. I’m flawed. I’m rotten. There’s something major missing in me.”
This numbs your s£xual self and changes the meaning of touch for you. You see, when you are in a relationship, you naturally desire to hug, touch, or kiss your partner. But because of all the rejections, insults, and violations committed against you, you feel like a part of you slowly dies off. It may not be an actual death, but it is numbing out. Ultimately, you cease to go near them; you cease to want something from them. You cease to even think of s£x. It becomes a chore for you, especially if you live with them for decades.
Hypers£xuality and Trauma Bonding
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