Respect for Others: Responsible individuals recognize that others are struggling too and seek to create a sense of community. Narcissists, however, often refuse to take responsibility and expect others to make them feel better about their lives.
In summary, responsible people do not make excuses; they show up and are loyal—not out of duty but from genuine desire. They want to understand others and know when to set aside their egos. They are not afraid to say, “I was wrong” or “Please forgive me.” Responsible individuals do not create divisiveness or drama; they maintain steady emotions through effort. They are consistent, disciplined, and trustworthy.
If you’re trying to determine whether the person you’re engaging with is narcissistic, observe how they respond when it’s time to take responsibility. For them, individual responsibility is fleeting at best—erratic and consistently inconsistent. It’s always someone else’s fault.
I hope you decide to take your cues in the opposite direction and commit to being a responsible person. This will indicate that you’ve recognized the narcissistic patterns and are moving in the right direction.
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