When A Narcissist Turns People Against You, This Is What You Should Do That You Never Think About

Several months later, someone in his social network revealed his brother’s secret plan to spread lies and rumors about him behind his back. It came as a massive shock to him. In hindsight, when he revisited those conversations and events, he realized how well the narcissist had played them all. Terrible, right? Witnessing how quickly and effortlessly the narcissist manipulated everyone so masterfully was heartbreaking.

Despite all the complexities and dynamics within the family structure, the kind brother was devastated and unsure how to deal with this situation. He was grieving that this group of people, who were his support network, had now abandoned him and turned their backs on him. Several of you may have gone through similar experiences. These scenarios can potentially inflict real harm and damage on you at your workplace or within your community and family.

Narcissists typically fail to comprehend the consequences of their actions, primarily because they lack empathy. Their manipulative tactics can be highly damaging to the people they target. When you think about the story again and contemplate if those people he lost matter to him, the answer would be affirmative, right? And yet, he has lost those people.

Some individuals who were always fond of you were able to shake off the negative influence relatively quickly. But what was more devastating for you were those who didn’t come around and took all of the narcissistic person’s lies at face value. Please reflect on whether individuals who could turn their back on you that easily were worth keeping in the first place.

I understand that it was a difficult pill to swallow, as they were people you had known for decades. But if they could be influenced so quickly by one person’s story, it does beg the question: how strong was the connective tissue in that relationship in the first place? More importantly, why didn’t they come to you directly and express their concerns when the narcissist maligning your reputation was family, a spouse, or someone close to you?ù

Top 11 Things to NEVER Do With A Narcissist

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