What Happens When You Stop Giving a Narcissist Attention

You may think that now you’ve blocked them or stopped communicating, everything is peaceful again, but we know that’s not the case. Narcissists still feel entitled to you even after you ignore them; your encounters with them may be minimal, but the lack of emotional interaction is intolerable to them. Consequently, the guilt and insecurity that narcissists feel from being ignored fuel their rage and need for revenge.

They become enraged because they constantly crave attention and validation. Narcissists have an inflated view of their importance and believe that others are merely there to serve and assist them. Because of this, a narcissist can’t put you first all the time; everything becomes about them. Once they’ve acquired what they wanted through love bombing, it’s time to bring you down so they can feel good about themselves.

When you begin to disregard a narcissist, this is one of the most dangerous and personal things you can do to them. Anything but ignoring them is preferred by the narcissist; it hurts them a lot to be treated as if they don’t matter. You don’t have to give a narcissist the silent treatment if you don’t want to, but when you don’t respond to their deceptive messages or engage in conversation with them—such as not answering their phone calls—you are putting enough pressure on them.

In situations where you don’t feel like interacting, just hold yourself back and do nothing. All of this informs the narcissist that you are uninterested and don’t wish to engage in conversation or anything with them.

When the narcissist is neglected, one of two things can happen: they may conclude that you’re declaring war on them if you ignore them, so prepare for gossip and attempts to turn others against you. The second tactic is to draw your attention back to themselves by engaging in activities they know you would find acceptable or likable. Narcissists will do whatever it takes to attract your attention if you don’t notice them; this is the source of their power.

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