What Do Narcissists Think About Death

Despite this, narcissists do not truly believe in a higher power. If they acknowledge the existence of a god, they often believe they can manipulate or deceive that god, just as they do with everyone else.

On the other hand, non-religious narcissists prefer the idea that there is nothing after death—they simply cease to exist. To them, dying without realizing it would be the ideal scenario. However, they firmly believe that death is something only their enemies should face. They are more than happy to drive others to the brink of suicide or even have people harmed, but they see themselves as exempt from such a fate.

Aging and sickness, both precursors to death, are also deeply feared by narcissists. They dread these experiences because they signify the loss of control and a confrontation with their mortality. Even minor illnesses are often exaggerated by narcissists, as they become paranoid that “this might be it.”

As they age, narcissists often complain incessantly, lamenting the loss of their youth and vitality. Death becomes their greatest fear, and their paranoia centers on this inevitability. While some may pretend to be lighthearted about it in the presence of others, in private, they are terrified of what lies beyond.

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