Narcissistic abuse victims might find comfort in doing things solo, like eating or traveling. It’s their way of taking back control and finding peace in their own company. Psychologists say that after being in a relationship with a controlling narcissist, victims might crave that alone time as a way to reclaim their independence. Suppose your partner constantly criticizes your choices, even simple things like where to eat or how to plan a trip. Now that you’re out of that toxic situation, you feel more at ease going to restaurants or exploring new places alone. Experts think this behavior helps victims rediscover their preferences and regain a sense of autonomy; it’s like hitting the reset button on their freedom.
Stuttering When Sharing Their Life Stories
When narcissistic abuse victims share their stories, it can feel like hitting a mental roadblock. Imagine trying to tell a story, but the words don’t flow right; words get stuck, and you stutter or stumble through the sentences. Experts reckon this stuttering might be the brain’s way of handling the tough stuff. It’s like a defense mechanism trying to slow things down, sort through the emotions, and protect us from feeling overwhelmed. Psychologists think the mind attempts to cope with all the hurt and confusion tangled up in those experiences.
Over-Apologizing for Little Things
5 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism
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