Understanding Worry

Understanding Worry

Everyone has, at one point in their lives, worried. Some people are chronic worriers. Worry is the major aspect of all anxiety depression and disorders.

The issue with worry is that it urgently demands a solution. And to find a solution, first, you need to understand it.
All of us have experienced fears, worries, and doubts. Many of us have experienced feelings of uncertainty and tense when about to speak to a group of people, attend an interview, have an operation, or start a new job.

Maybe now you’re anxious about a forthcoming social event. Probably you get worried when your partner is late home. If everything goes right-your partner arrives home, or the social event is postponed, the worry will vanish with it, but until it is over, the days or weeks leading up to it can be very difficult.

Maybe you’re worried about something scary happening to your children or losing your job. You might be anxious about events that seem like they’re past your control, such as being attacked or never been being able to possess your home. Maybe you fear about global warming or suffering from cancer.

Whatever it is that you’re anxious, it can have an impact on both your mind and body. Worry can leave you feeling uncomfortable. It can be a frustrating distraction, or it can make you vulnerable such that you cannot think anything else.


Anxiety can destroy your confidence and self-esteem, damage your friendships and relationships, and affect your ability to work and study. If, for whatever reason, you experience strong anxiety, you may find it hard to handle your everyday life. You may feel powerless and without energy.

After some time, you might start to fear the symptoms of worry, and this can trigger a vicious circle. You might be anxious because you fear the feelings of anxiety, but then you experience those symptoms because you’re experiencing anxious feelings. You think that something is wrong or might happen, and you don’t how or if you will manage to cope.

Worry is the anticipation of misfortune, adversity, or trouble. If you don’t have any experience of an event or situation, you might be anxious about what might happen or how you will deal with it. But if you have gone through a specific situation and you found it hard or distressing in some way, you could be anxious about experiencing a similar circumstance in case it generates the same problems and difficulties.

Is there some difference between doubt, worry, anxiety, and fear? Of course, there is, but you must know that the feelings are very much the same.

These are emotions that make us feel, act and think in different ways. They can trigger us to do something or avoid doing something.

All emotions have a positive intent. For example, feeling worried and anxious about doing well before an exam or giving a presentation can make you prepare well and keep you focused. However, like all other emotions, anxiety becomes a problem if instead of making you respond in a certain way that’s helpful, it paralyzes you.

In the case of exams, if worry overcomes you, your heart beats and negate thoughts can take over your mind. Your ability to focus, think correctly, and revise suffers.

It’s not only what you think that can create feelings of worry. Again, just like other emotions, anxiety has three parts: thoughts, physical feelings, and behavior. Let’s explore each of the following features in detail.

Physical Nature

This aspect of worry entails the physical changes that happen in your body. In other words, the internal bodily changes you go through.

Some of the most popular physical signs of anxiety include:

1- Rapid breathing, which may make someone feel weak, shaky, and light-headed. Also, it may activate pins and needles in your toes and fingers.

2- Muscle tension, which activates tension within the jaw, headaches, tightness in your chest, and throat.

3- A rush of hormones, which can generate hot flushes and make you sweat.

Changes in the blood supply to your digestive system

Which might trigger butterflies, sickness, and nausea.
It is easy for worry to go undiagnosed, especially if reveals as a physical problem. Stomach issues, for instance, or urgent need to go to the bathroom can always be the feeling of being anxious about a forthcoming event, but might not be recognized.

different thoughts

While everyone has different thoughts when we are worried, we all experience similar physical responses. No matter the age, race, or gender, when we are worried or scared, our bodies produce hormones that spread to various parts of the body. Adrenaline causes your heartbeat to increase, and the blood flows where it’s needed.

The physical changes allow your body to protect you in a dangerous circumstance by running away or fighting. This is known as the flight or fight reflex.

This response is necessary to protect you against physical dangers. But, when there are no physical dangers, you don’t need to run away, the impact of adrenaline decreases and you might become agitated for a long time.

The behavioral aspect of anxiety involves the things you do or don’t do when you feel worried. The same way each of us has different thoughts about a situation; everyone behaves in different ways too.

If, for instance, you were worried before an exam, you might walk up and down the room. But someone else might sit and bite their nails as a result of anxiety. Someone else might resort to chewing gum.

The way we act when we feel worried depends on different things, including what has activated the feelings of anxiety, our ability to control the situation, and how the situation compares to our past experiences.

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