Top 10 Behaviors and Traits of the FEMALE NARCISSIST

All narcissists are envious, even though they often project an image of confidence or even arrogance. Underneath it all, they harbor deep insecurities.

The female narcissist enjoys gossiping with her social circle, talking behind people’s backs, and reinforcing her sense of superiority. Because she is so two-faced and envious, she assumes others must also be jealous of her. This feeds her ego and reinforces her belief in her own importance.

4. She is overly sensitive to criticism.

Since the female narcissist’s self-image is built on the illusion of superiority, any form of criticism—even if constructive—will cause her to react with extreme defensiveness.

She takes even the slightest critique as a personal attack, leading to what is known as a “narcissistic injury.” She cannot tolerate any information that contradicts her belief that she is perfect.

5. She uses her sexuality as a tool.

While male narcissists often use their money, assets, or career status to manipulate others, female narcissists tend to use their sexuality.

They frequently dress provocatively, flirt inappropriately, and flaunt their physical attributes to gain attention and control. It is also common for them to have affairs with their partner’s friends or family members.

6. She manipulates through punishment.

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