The Aging Narcissist: What Happens as They Get Older

Another thing you will see as the narcissist ages is how truly pathetic they really are. You will see how desperate they are to obtain narcissistic supply. You will witness how the delusional and irrational thinking becomes more and more outrageous and completely illogical as they age. The mask they wear starts to slip off more and more, revealing a very damaged, desperate, abusive, delusional, and pathetic human being. You will witness their inability to be happy and content the way other older people are who are surrounded by their loving families. You will see their attempts at manipulation start to fail, and the lies they tell become simply desperate and pathetic. You will see the panic that they exhibit in their desperate attempts to gain control over the beliefs, perceptions, and lives of others. It’s incredibly sad to watch, and they are unable to help themselves. They are incapable of self-reflection. They refuse to take accountability for anything they have done, and they will continue to promote this phony and false narrative that they are somehow the hero, the victim, or the martyr in the lives of their loved ones. They will become angry and bitter that they cannot con people the way they used to and will feel more and more victimized by their inevitable loss of control. They become more dependent on others, which all narcissists hate, and they become much needier than they were when they were younger.

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