Narcissists Manipulate Conversations – Listen To This Recorded Conversation

  1. Self-Entitlement
    Narcissists act as though rules don’t apply to them. They show no remorse for unkind or harmful behavior and may even respond dismissively, stunning the victim into questioning their own actions or feelings.
  2. Blame-Shifting
    They might acknowledge their behavior but deflect responsibility, saying, “I did this because you didn’t give me what I needed.” This forces the victim to focus on their perceived shortcomings rather than the narcissist’s actions.
  3. Comparison to a New Supply
    By comparing you to their new partner (directly or indirectly), they divert attention from their behavior and provoke insecurity, causing you to defend yourself and seek their approval.
  4. Stonewalling
    Narcissists condition you to expect less from them. When confronted about their behavior, they become dismissive or angry, shutting down the conversation. However, when the focus shifts to proving your worth or love, they suddenly become receptive, reinforcing the idea that avoiding conflict and focusing on yourself is the only way to maintain harmony.

This analysis sheds light on the dynamics of manipulation within such relationships, helping victims recognize and address these tactics. Let me know if you need further clarifications or refinements!

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