Did you know there are hidden signs of narcissistic abuse? These signs can be so subtle that you might not even realize you’ve been affected. It’s easy to dismiss certain behaviors as part of everyday life, but they can be red flags pointing to something much deeper.
Narcissistic abuse doesn’t always come with loud arguments or dramatic outbursts. Instead, it often creeps into your life in ways that are difficult to notice at first. Today, we’ll uncover 10 signs that you might be experiencing narcissistic abuse.
1. Memory Gaps
You may struggle to remember specific events or conversations—especially those tied to the abuse. This isn’t a sign of a failing memory; it’s your brain trying to protect you.
Psychiatrist Dr. Judith Herman explains in her book Trauma and Recovery that trauma forces the mind to disconnect from overwhelming experiences. Your brain “boxes up” painful memories to shield you from distress. However, these memory gaps can be frustrating, making it feel like parts of your story are missing.
Narcissists create chaotic and emotionally draining environments, making it harder for your brain to keep up. Psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula notes in Should I Stay or Should I Go? that narcissists thrive on confusion and doubt, making you feel disconnected from reality. The constant stress overloads your mind, impairing your ability to store and recall memories. While those gaps may not fully disappear, healing allows you to create new, positive memories that are free from the weight of the past.
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