Narcissists have more inner demons than normal individuals. Their demons are always out of control and running rampant because they can’t face them, recognize their presence, or shift them by undertaking inner work and healing. Because of this, narcissists try to suppress their inner demons. However, if the demons are kept at bay for an extended period, internal pressure may mount. It’s because of this that they require a target to project these demons onto. When you unearth the narcissist’s deepest fear and secret, and if you’re lucky enough to do so, you can stop them in their tracks.
This thing makes narcissists sick to their stomachs, and the idea that they’re scared to death just thinking about it is absolutely accurate. Because of this, they will not only do everything they can to avoid it, but they will also not hesitate to harm anyone who tries to bring it to their attention. The narcissist’s obsessive ambitions for themselves and how important they are helps explain this behavior. The narcissist believes that this poison has the power to end their life, career, relationships, and practically everything about them. Especially when narcissists reach the zenith of their success, this deadly poison is at its most dangerous since the narcissist may lose it all.
So what exactly is it? The truth. The most powerful weapon against narcissists is the truth, which can bring them to their knees. It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Is there a definition of what defines ultimate truth? Does it really exist? Well, it’s about everything that’s connected to narcissists. As a matter of fact, it’s the truth of their shadowy persona, including all they are and are not. Their reliance on others is self-evident; it’s an accurate portrayal of the viciousness with which they conduct their business.
Narcissists do their utmost to keep these lies from being exposed for what they are. Their major goal is to mislead the general public about what’s truly going on in their minds. Being held accountable for their actions shows a lack of self-worth, and this is why narcissists hate the idea of admitting that they’re wrong. They would have to own up to their mistakes, and this is impossible for narcissists. They don’t have the courage to tell the truth because it will ruin their image. They’ll look for an ambiguous answer and even shift the blame to someone else. Instead of being the villain, they’ll often choose to portray themselves as the victim, which helps the narcissist solidify the lie in their mind.
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