What happens when you stop giving a narcissist attention, and they know you refuse to be controlled? We’re back for another episode! Please accept my warmest welcome to those who have arrived today. Your support is essential for the existence of my channel, and I appreciate your thoughtful consideration.
When you stop paying attention to the narcissist, they will immediately see this as an attack, even if you’re trying to defend yourself. Narcissists thrive on being the focus of attention; they have a strong desire to be in the spotlight at all times. They relish being pursued and enjoy playing games on their victims, such as not responding to texts or taking a long time to reply. They’re counting on you to do anything and everything to pique their interest. Ignoring or blocking them feels like a slap in the face to them.
Still, this is what I’d advise you to do. If you can, try to make the narcissist’s silence last as long as possible by blocking and going no contact. Keeping up with the emotional and psychological tricks of a narcissist is exhausting, and the best thing you can do is ignore them if you can’t declare no contact.
So, let’s discuss the best times to ignore a narcissist. They hate it when we show them that we are ready and eager to treat them the way they treat us, so we must do just that. Due to their double standards, narcissists can’t tolerate being ignored, yet they will do so to others instantly.
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