For those of you who have had a long-standing relationship with a narcissist—whether at home, in your extended family, among friends, or in the workplace—you know that there can be moments of increasing futility and weariness. You might sense that this situation simply isn’t working well anymore, and you may find yourself questioning whether you want to continue in whatever dynamic you share.
It’s important to understand that when narcissists engage with you, they do so with a powerful sense of neediness. Over time, this neediness becomes more apparent. In the initial stages of any relationship, it’s normal to express desires and wants. However, narcissists don’t merely have wants; they possess a profound need for you to conform to an agenda that suits their narrative. For instance, they require your affirmation and are extremely hungry for it. While we all desire affirmation, their need surpasses the ordinary.
Narcissists insist on tight agreement with their agenda. They seek a feeling of superiority and dominance, which is why they often present their opinions as the only valid ones. They can’t fathom that others might have perspectives or methods that could be better than theirs.
Moreover, they need what your reputation might provide. If you are well-known and liked in your community, they may try to latch onto that, using it to bolster their own image. They also need you to buy into their illogic. Many times, when you attempt to discuss your impressions or interpretations with them, they will insist that you simply go along with whatever they say, regardless of how illogical or emotionally charged it may be.
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