Narcissists view others solely as means to an end. They use people to fulfill their desires and discard them when they are no longer useful. In their eyes, other individuals lack the emotions and feelings that would position them as worthy of love. Instead, they see others as objects for their own pleasure. Self-centered, narcissists often believe they deserve special treatment due to their perceived superiority.
4. Narcissists Lie All the Time
Narcissists will say anything to get what they want, even if it involves blatant lies. They often tell little white lies and exaggerate the truth without caring about the consequences. For instance, they might tell you that you are the most beautiful person in the world while simultaneously claiming to others that you are ugly. They may also lie to enhance their own image or tarnish yours in front of others.
5. Narcissists Can Be Overly Aggressive or Passively Aggressive
Narcissists can exhibit unpredictable behavior, making it difficult to gauge how they will react in various situations. They often make those around them feel inadequate and uncomfortable. Narcissists may resort to overt aggression to get their way, bullying others or even resorting to threats or physical abuse. Conversely, they can also be passive-aggressive, using more subtle forms of manipulation, such as withholding affection or employing guilt trips to achieve their aims.
6. Narcissists Are Revengeful
Narcissists tend to hold grudges for years, seeking revenge for even the slightest insult or perceived slight. This tendency is so ingrained in their personality that they may not even recognize it. They often view others as allies or enemies; if you are not on their side, you must be against them. Their vindictiveness means they seek indirect ways to retaliate against those who have hurt them.
7. Narcissists Talk Trash About You Behind Your Back
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