8 Lies ALL Narcissists Tell

I’m the most honest person you’ll ever meet: lie number five.

And if you’ve met someone like this before, you know that someone who’s truly honest doesn’t need to tell you how honest they are.

But as humans, we like to give others the benefit of the doubt.

And if someone claims to be completely honest, you want to believe them. It isn’t until you are much further into the relationship that you realize how false this one is.

Even if a narcissist tries not to tell outright lies, they will always have secrets. Narcissists require a constant supply.

It’s a challenge to avoid lying when you have a lot to hide. You have to lie in order to keep those secrets hidden, to keep those skeletons in the closet.

And even if the narcissist isn’t outright lying to you, they may be omitting significant amounts of information that would be extremely beneficial to you.

Let’s take a look at a friendship as an example. Assume you’re friends with a narcissist and they have tickets to a game you’d like to attend. So they’re making you jump through hoops because they know you want these tickets, right? As a result, they’re asking you for favors and taking full advantage of the situation.

It would be super helpful to know that they have already given the tickets to someone else.

A narcissist is not likely to volunteer that information if it will get in the way of them getting what they want.

And this is one of those gray areas that aren’t actually gray areas.

Just because they aren’t outright lying, just because they aren’t saying, “Well, I didn’t give these tickets away,” doesn’t mean they are telling the truth.

They are not being truthful. That’s what they call lies of omission, and it’s very common among Narcissists.

6. “I’m going to change” 

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