The third lie that all narcissists tell is that nothing is my fault.
Whatever goes wrong simply cannot be their fault. And, even if they appear to be taking responsibility for something, it’s usually for something minor or peripheral to what’s really going on.
Narcissists are notorious for refusing to accept responsibility for their bad behavior. And, as I’ve discovered through experience, they’re also very good at justifying their bad behavior.
So, instead of accepting responsibility and admitting, “Yes, I should not have done that,” they may say, “I did that because of this.”
And, to some, it may even appear to be a very good explanation. Someone who doesn’t know the entire story might believe them because they’re really good at justifying things. And then that person takes the narcissist side, because, well, it can’t be their fault.
The narcissist was completely justified in their actions (gag). But after a while of being around a narcissist, this gets old fast.
And you may begin to notice that you become irritated even when you see them doing this with other people because you know how satisfying it would be if this person simply took responsibility for anything.
4. “It will get better”
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