7 Habits I Avoid to Become Highly Productive

If you’re reading this, you probably have a million and a half items on your mind: expanding your company, having more exercise, spending more time with friends and family, reading more books, and so on.

So, how can you cram all of it into a 24-hour day that also includes sleeping and eating?

While most people want to increase their efficiency by introducing more items, I’ve found that it’s much better to start by eliminating what is causing the problem in the first place. And when you look at extremely efficient workers, you’ll find that they still prevent main errors that sabotage everybody else, particularly though they’re in separate sectors and various workflows.

Stop these 7 practices if you want to increase your success and get more achieved than ever before. If you’ve gotten rid of them, you’ll find a major improvement in your efficiency.

1. Concentrating on Minor Details Rather Than Results

Productivity isn’t calculated by how much busywork you can pack into an hour, how ordered your schedule appears, if you have zero emails in your mailbox, or which organizing applications you use — it’s measured by the outcomes you generate.

You can’t boost your efficiency until you enhance the performance in the fields that count. You’re simply performing more busywork in a more productive manner. Finally, the greatest predictor of success is the volume of work you make and ship.

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