The last thing they remember you as is the unfinished lesson. Narcissists hate closure because closure means accountability, and that is the one thing they will never face. When you leave without them breaking you, without them having the last word, you become the lesson they did not learn.
They can lie to themselves, pretend they moved on quickly, act like you never mattered, but in their quiet moments, when they are distraction-free, you are up there—not because they miss you, but because they still do not understand why they lost. Why you did not fall apart, why you did not beg them to take you back. You became the lesson that haunts them—the lesson that tells them they are not as powerful as they think.
So, if you have ever wondered, “Do they remember me? Do they miss me? Do they ever think about me?” the answer is yes, definitely yes. But it’s not in the way you would imagine. They remember you in the bitter aftertaste of defeat, in the echo of the fight they did not win, in the fear of knowing someone out there holds the truth about who they really are.
No matter how many people they try to fool, no matter how many lies they tell, they cannot erase that memory. You were the one who saw through them, the one who walked away, the one who survived. For a narcissist, that is a wound that never fully heals.
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