Narcissists are going to hell. This isn’t just my opinion; it’s based on the ungodly and evil actions they commit. Their behaviors are so reprehensible that no place but hell can be their eternal home. They make their victims feel helpless and agonized, leading them to entrust their broken hearts entirely to God’s care while waiting for His divine justice.
Reason 1: Violating the Sacredness of the Human Heart
Narcissists violate the sacredness of the human heart. The heart is the most sacred and profound dimension of human life, serving as the center of our emotions, our connections with one another, and our intimate bond with the Divine. Narcissists, through their manipulative tactics—such as deceit, gaslighting, emotional blackmail, and degradation—inflict wounds that run far deeper than the surface. Their actions damage not only physical and emotional well-being but also impair the very soul and divine essence within us.
In spiritual traditions worldwide, humans are believed to carry a divine spark, making every heart inherently sacred. Deliberately harming another emotionally or spiritually is, in essence, harming God Himself. In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) declared, “The heart of a believer is the throne of the merciful.” Violating this sacred sanctuary equates directly to disrespecting God. Christianity similarly teaches that our bodies are sacred temples, as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?” Narcissistic emotional and spiritual abuse desecrates this holy temple, constituting a profound offense against God. In Judaism, too, harming another person’s spirit is gravely condemned, emphasizing the immense sanctity of each life. Every hurt inflicted deliberately by narcissists disrespects this sacredness, thus inviting divine justice.
Reason 2: Creating Victims Who Cry Out for Divine Justice
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