An exaggerated startle response—jumping at sudden sounds or movements—is like your body’s alarm system set to high sensitivity. If you’ve been through narcissistic abuse, your nervous system might remain stuck in survival mode, constantly on guard.
Trauma expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk explains that after prolonged stress, the body “keeps the score,” holding onto tension and reacting as if danger is still nearby. Even something as simple as a door slamming or someone moving too quickly can make you flinch or feel jumpy. It’s not overreacting; it’s your body’s way of staying ready to protect you, even when it’s not needed.
5. Hypersensitivity to Tone of Voice
Being hypersensitive to someone’s tone of voice often comes from narcissistic abuse, where you’ve learned to read between the lines to anticipate anger, judgment, or criticism.
According to psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula, people who’ve experienced this kind of abuse become highly attuned to subtle cues like tone or inflection because they were essential for survival. Your brain starts thinking, Is there anger behind that calm voice? or Is there sarcasm hiding in that sweetness? This isn’t overreacting; it’s your brain trying to keep you safe by analyzing every sound for potential threats.
6. Unexplained Irritability
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