10 Everyday Energy-Stealing Situations

According to the Dalai Lama, there are 10 great thieves of energy in our lives, which we must correct in order to achieve well-being and emotional balance.

According to the Dalai Lama, we are often in contact with ten situations that steal energy. We don’t realize it because these situations are common and simple, but their accumulation can really hurt us a lot.

Every day, we are engaged in banal, classic situations, which are sometimes painful to us but to which we do not pay more attention than that. And yet, these are situations that really steal energy, which we need to be aware of in order to stop them or avoid them as best we can.

Not taking care of oneself

It cannot be said often enough, health is the most important thing. Our body is a big machine that needs to be taken care of in order to run properly. Above all, take care of yourself: rest, take time for yourself, pay attention to what you eat and the physical activity you do. Having success, money or possessions is useless if our body is not doing well.

Those who complain all the time

We all have someone in our circle of relatives who complains incessantly. You probably don’t realize it, but these people exhaust you, because they use you as a vessel, filling you with what is wrong. Like a vase that fills up drop by drop, you soak up these worries that are not yours and you exhaust yourself relieving someone else’s ego. Move away from these people, or no longer accept their complaints.

Living in disorder

The disorder that clutters up our spaces also clutters up our morale, our lives. We must learn to sort and get rid of what we no longer want, in order to unclutter our daily lives and regain balance. A disordered interior pumps energy out of us and does not allow us to feel good. Sorting through your belongings means learning to sort out the things from your past you want to see disappear.

Having disorganized finances

Generally, the financial aspect is a source of great concern. And in order not to generate unnecessary anxiety, it is strongly recommended to keep your accounts up to date. Settle your debts when you have them, even if they are from friends or family, and keep track of what you owe and what is owed to you so you can settle it as quickly as possible. Debts are great thieves of energy because they disturb our peace of mind and create a climate of anxiety and shame.

Not keeping your promises

A good relationship must be based on trust, which is why it is important to learn to consider others and show them your good intentions. To be a trustworthy person is first and foremost to be someone who knows how to keep his promises. Not being able to do so or being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know how to keep them is an energy eater. If you are asked to keep a promise, make sure you can do it before you say yes. If you’re not sure, say no instead. And if you realize after accepting that you can’t keep it, apologize and offer to renegotiate the terms of the contract or offer the person another alternative. If you need someone to promise you something, make sure they can do it.

Not managing difficult situations

We are often confronted with difficult situations that take a lot of energy from us. We need to be aware of how we resolve them so we can do it again when they happen again. It is a way to regain power and not let ourselves go into these situations. It is better to avoid letting them drag on or trying to ignore them, as this will only create stress and anxiety in us.

Not knowing how to delegate

We all, have to do tasks we don’t like, whether they are professional or domestic. But if they don’t fulfill us, why do we do them? Because we put our interests first. We believe that by doing these tasks, we will gain something even if we don’t enjoy doing them. It is these tasks that we must learn to delegate because maybe someone will enjoy doing them, maybe they will bring something to them they don’t bring to us. Delegating the tasks that weigh us down allows us not to fill our lives with negativity, as long as we find out how to delegate them well.

Not knowing how to accept

How many times have we rotted our lives because of a situation we did not accept and that we wanted to change at all costs? Sometimes we can’t change things, and it is a waste of energy and time to do so. For your emotional well-being, try to make peace with yourself by accepting these situations. By understanding that you can’t change anything and that it’s better to live with it than to engage in an unnecessary struggle.

Not knowing when to rest or when to act

We often misjudge our strengths, acting when we should rest or resting when we feel we should act. We deplete our strength in the wrong direction and take the risk of making decisions that will lead to regret later on. We need to learn to listen to ourselves so we can rest when we feel the need and allow ourselves to act when opportunities present themselves.

Denying forgiveness

Resentment is human. Unfortunately, this resentment often pollutes us, threatening our emotional balance. Forgiveness is an integral part of love, and it is well said that he who does not love does not forgive. To forgive is to allow a situation that has hurt us to go away, it is to rebuild ourselves. To forgive is to show love for oneself, for others, and for the world.

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